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April 24, 2018
Portugal hosts the Initial Planning Conference for Multi-Cooperative Exercise 2018

The meeting was held in the Portuguese Navy Naval Base where is located the COMEUROMARFOR headquarter and gave the opportunity to set up logistic conditions and the general concept of the activity. In particular, Mauritanian delegation and Euromarfor permanent cell agreed the common training bids the conditions to employ a maritime force composed by ships, helicopters and specialists teams.

All the activities are focused on maritime security with special attention to counter terrorism settings, maritime interdiction operations to face with illegal activities at sea and other maritime activities useful to improve mutual confidence, capabilities and best practices.

The final planning conference will take place in May in Nouakchott, which is the location where the four EMF Units will call, for the first time, during the Multi-Cooperative Exercise 2018-1.

 Francesco Rima   2018-05-14 12:51:04   442 / 228562;
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Updated by EUROMARFOR Permanent Cell