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May 11, 2018
Spanish Minex 2018 Fare Well

After almost two weeks, the Spanish Minex 2018 end up with notable results achieved. The wide variety of assets, AUVs, massive diver teams and the participation of the EMF MCM TG and the SNMCMG2 has meant positive benefit to the exercise.

Spanish Minex constitutes the 2nd activation for EUROMARFOR in the 2018 and the first for mine warfare training with the EMF TG under the TACON of COMGRUEROMARFOR Cdr (PON) Gomes Bras. The exercise followed a dedicated and progressive pattern, starting with an integration phase (CET) followed by a tactical phase (TACEX) in a unique scenario that was developed and wormed up since the beginning.

It was profitable to increase training, readiness, enhance interoperability, test and practice procedures, to show the difficulty of MCM OPS in littoral environment operations under asymmetric threat scenario.

In parallel with the last period of SP MINEX a second EMF TG has been activated under COMEUROMARFOR OPCON in order to participate at Mare Aperto 2018-1.

The CEMF-Vice Admiral Gouveia e Melo- addressed his farewell to the Comgrueuromarfor, the Units’ Commanding Officers and their crew for their efforts and results achieved.

 Francesco Rima   2018-05-15 10:56:36   455 / 228562;
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Updated by EUROMARFOR Permanent Cell