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June 18, 2018
EMF Task Group in the Portuguese Exercise SWORDFISH 18

The EMF TG constituted in Lisbon harbour to takke part to the portugues exercise SWORDFISH 2018 (SW 18-1).

This activities is the firts appointment of a four weeks deployment of the TG and constitute a fruitful opportunity to increase the professional skills and a better integration of the Units offered by the four nations. SW 18-1 is a maritime live exercise designated  to improve maritime forces operational capabilities in a multidimentional scenario during a regional multi-threat crisis. The exercise  will be conducted in the north Atlantic portuguese exercise areas and some serials in the Tejo river.

EMF is a multinational maritime force created in 1995 by four nations, France, Italy, Portugal and Spain, aiming its employment in maritime security, humanitarian, peacekeeping and crisis management missions, under the principles of the Petersberg declaration, either  autonomously or in the framework of the European union or other international organizations such as the un, NATO, OSCE or even multinational coalitions. The EUROMARFOR task group, once activated, will be composed by naval units of the four members nations tasked to accomplish specific missions or to perform specific trainings and cooperation activities.

 Francesco Rima   2018-06-26 09:43:44   658 / 228562;
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