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July 01, 2018

The escort TASK Group is few miles away from Naouackchott, in the Islamic Republic of mauritania, where in the next few day the EUROMARFOR crews will conduct several activity of cooperation named MULTICOOPERATIVE EXERCISE 18-1 (MCE 18-1) with Mauritanian Navy.

During the transfer a set of activities, taylored by the COMEUROMARFOR and the COMGRUEUROMARFOR, have being conducted in order to better prepare the MCE 18-1 and to continue the capability anhancements and integrations of the TG.  EUROMARFOR is a naval force ready to, when activated by High Level Interministerial Commitee (CIMIN), conduct a rapid integration of the assigned Force and the subsequent early establishment of a EU maritime capability, with a special focus but not limited to the Mediterranean Theatre and its approaches, in order to support primarily the EU security and defence requirements in the maritime domain by means of:

- Crisis Management. Including conflict prevention, crisis response (e.g. humanitarian and disaster relief and non combatant evacuation), post-conflict stabilization and peace support operations (peace-keeping, peace-making, peace-building and peace-enforcement);

- Cooperative Security. Including all operations to contribute to prevent conflicts and develop regional security and stability through dialogue, confidence-building, and increased transparency.

- Maritime Security. Including all operations to contribute to the maintenance of a secure and safe maritime environment (maritime security operations; maritime situational awareness; maritime interdiction missions; protection of freedom of navigation; protection of critical energy infrastructure and sea lines of communication).

Multicooperative exercise mainly focuses on Cooeprative and Maritime Security and is now one of the most relevant activities of EUROMARFOR. For the 2018 the firts one is conducted with the Navy of Islamic Republic of Mauritania as agreed by the four nations constituting EUROMARFOR.

More updates about MCE 18-1 will follow on and on facebook and Twitter @EUROMARFOR. #AtSeaforPeace #EUROMARFOR

 Francesco Rima   2018-07-02 14:40:44   522 / 228562;
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