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July 03, 2018
COMEUROMARFOR visiting Nouakchott

EUROMARFOR is a naval force ready to conduct a rapid integration of the assigned Force and the subsequent early establishment of a EU maritime capability in order to support primarily the EU security and defence requirements in the maritime domain by means of:

-Crisis Management. Including conflict prevention, crisis response (e.g. humanitarian and disaster relief and non-combatant evacuation), post-conflict stabilization and peace support operations (peace-keeping, peace-making, peace-building and peace-enforcement);

-Cooperative Security. Including all operations to contribute to prevent conflicts and develop regional security and stability through dialogue, confidence-building, and increased transparency.

-Maritime Security. Including all operations to contribute to the maintenance of a secure and safe maritime environment (maritime security operations, maritime situational awareness, maritime interdiction missions, protection of freedom of navigation, protection of critical energy infrastructure and sea lines of communication).

The nature of the Multi-cooperative exercises (MCE) relies on the wiling among the participating Nations to cooperate and contribute to Maritime Security. This year with the support of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania Navy, a careful plan promoted the opportunity of an entire Escort Group to visit the port of Nouakchott.

In order to reinforce the cooperation and promote the exchange of mutual awareness of maritime security, an advanced package of exercises has been propose including meetings with local authorities.

The Commander of the European Maritime Force, Vice Admiral Henrique Gouveia e Melo joined the force in Nouakchott to observe the progress of the activities.


 Francesco Rima   2018-07-06 12:33:07   536 / 228562;
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