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July 12, 2018
The EUROMARFOR TASK GROUP completed its 35th​ activation

After a traditional farewell underway, the COMGRUEUROMARFOR (CGEMF) Capt. (PRN) Paulo Alves Martins wished fair winds and following seas to the Units returning to their homeports, after a long and fruitful activation period.

The EMF escort TG was activated for the 35th time in the EUROMARFOR history on the 18th of June in order to participate in the SWORDFISH 18 as well as in the two Multi-cooperative exercises (MCE), with Islamic Republic of Mauritania and Cape Verde.

EMF has, during the past years, participated in several multi-cooperative exercises off the coast of Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean to conduct activities useful to improve mutual confidence, capabilities and best practices along with a fruitful dialogue and cooperation in the framework of maritime security and stability.

The French AOR (oiler) FS Somme, the Italian frigate ITS Scirocco, the Spanish frigate SPS Canarias and the Portuguese NRP Corte-Real as flagship are now proceeding to their new missions.

To all Fair winds and following Seas.


 Francesco Rima   2018-07-11 12:38:18   566 / 228562;
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