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July 02, 2019
COMEUROMARFOR warmly received in Casablanca during cooperation activity

Vice Admiral (PRT N) Henrique GOUVEIA e MELO was warmely recivied in Casablanca by Royal Moroccan Navy.

The opportunity to have a very proficuos talk arose with the beginning of the  5th Multi-cooperative exercise between Royal Moroccan Navy and European Maritime Force (EUROMARFOR), The task group, composed by the Portuguese frigate “Corte-Real”, as flag-ship, and the Spanish frigate “Victoria”, called in Casablanca, harbour  from the 1st to the 3rd of July in which the crews started an harbour training and warm up prior to the sea phase aimed to enhance the maritime security.

The activities in port included several events hosted by the Royal Moroccan Navy  and by COMEUROMARFOR onboard his flgships, NRP Corte-Real. This events resuted in very proficuos opportunity to allow high qualified talks and continue the very poitive dialog aimed to strenghten the cooperation in the next years.


 Francesco Rima   2019-07-04 15:55:23   769 / 228562;
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