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June 21, 2023

In Lisbon took place in the 19th of June, the ceremony for the activation of the European Maritime Force (EUROMARFOR), for CONTEX/PHIBEX23, the largest maritime exercise organized by Portuguese Navy in 2023.

In the same waters, 28 years ago France, Italy, Portugal and Spain, strongly committed their navies to cooperate for maritime security.

The four countries maritime frontiers are in fact the southwestern maritime frontier of the EU, where the four navies have to face the same common operational challenges while ensuring maritime security.

To keep the readiness of EUROMARFOR, an Escort Task Group will participate in the exercise CONTEX/PHIBEX-23. The EUROMARFOR Task Group will be composed by Spanish Navy (Armada) frigate SPS “SANTA MARÍA” (flagship), Italian Navy (Marina Militare) frigate ITS “MARGOTTINI” and Portuguese Navy (Marinha Portuguesa) oceanic patrol vessel NRP “SINES”.

The EUROMARFOR ESCORT TASK GROUP activation ceremony and the Force Flag rising was graced by the presence of Portuguese Maritime Force Commander, Captain Ricardo Inácio and the Spanish Military attaché in Lisbon, Captain Diego Ruiz y Ruiz de Cortazar. Commander Alfonso Moreno Cividanes, Commanding Officer of ESPS “Santa Maria” and COMGRUEUROMARFOR chaired the event.

COMGRUEUROMARFOR addressed his speech underlining the important role of the four navies to maintain a secure and safe maritime environment, ensuring the safe passage of all ships by the seaways that underpin the European and global economy. Since its inception, the main mission of EUROMARFOR has been to support the European Security and Defence requirements in the maritime domain, with special attention to Crisis Response Operations, Sea Control and Sea Power Projection with a special emphasis on Amphibious Operations. This is the eighth time that EUROMARFOR is activated to participate in a Portuguese Navy major exercise, CONTEX/PHIBEX or SWORDFISH. Training is an essential key to succeed and EUROMARFOR has to be ready to face whatever challenge future will bring. CONTEX/PHIBEX-23 offers the opportunity to exercise in a combined, joint, multi-threat crisis response operation scenario in a multi-domain environment, boosting our cohesion, interoperability and effectiveness.

EUROMARFOR Task Group during this activation will be lead at sea by Commander Alfonso Moreno Cividanes as COMEUROMARFOR. On his flagship, the ESPS “Santa Maria”, he will lead the assigned Units with the support of the multinational Staff composed by Officers of the four Countries.

During this activation the EUROMARFOR Task Group will take part to the CONTEX-PHIBEX-23, which is the largest maritime exercise organized by Portuguese Navy in 2023, led by the Portuguese Navy Fleet Commander (COMNAV), Admiral Nuno Chaves Ferreira, and will take place in the Portuguese surrounding Atlantic waters, from 19th to 30th of June.

The EUROMARFOR Units will be operating in a challenging and dynamic schedule of events, to enhance their readiness show-casing the skills and capabilities of the force as well as his contribute to maintaining an unparalleled level of interoperability while facing all the possible threat to common maritime security.

EUROMARFOR at sea for Peace.

 ALFLOT ORP   2023-06-21 16:07:17   289 / 228552;
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Updated by EUROMARFOR Permanent Cell