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July 05, 2023

The CONTEX/PHIBEX23 (CTPH23) is the most advanced exercise of the Portuguese Navy in the maritime domain in 2023. This exercise is a maritime LIVEX with the participation of Portuguese Navy, led by the Portuguese Fleet Commander (COMNAV), Admiral Nuno Chaves Ferreira, and it took place from 19th to 30th of June.

Among the participants, EUROMARFOR nations offered 3 (three) naval assets:

Spain committed 1 (one) “SANTA MARIA” Class frigate, ESPS “SANTA MARIA” that was the Flagship of the Task Group, Italy 1 (one) “Bergamini” Class Frigate, ITS “Margottini” and Portugal 1 (one), “Viana do Castelo” Class Patrol Boat, NRP “Sines”.

Commander Alfonso Moreno Cividanes, Commanding Officer of ESPS “Santa Maria” was Commander of the EUROMARFOR Task Group (EMF TG), to whom was delegated the Tactical Command (TACOM), being supported by a multinational staff embarked in the flag-ship.

The EMF TG was activated from 19th to 30th of June in order to participate in CTPH23.

CTPH23 is a maritime live exercise conducted on a biennial basis and was multi-level deployable force exercise in a crisis response operation designed to improve maritime forces operational capabilities, training the Portuguese Task Force, composed by submarines, surface assets, Special Operations, Landing Forces and other participating units in a multidimensional scenario during a regional multi-threat crisis, to be conducted in the North Atlantic Portuguese exercise areas.

CTPH23 exercise trained, exercised and evaluated the Portuguese Fleet Commander command and control over a multinational force, increasing and developing operational and tactical standards of the subordinated commanders and their units and other training audiences, as required.

The level of ambition is to conduct a crisis response operation.

Therefore, once again, EUROMARFOR had the opportunity to raise its flag, demonstrating that this multinational maritime force as a non-standing but pre-structured force is kept at a high level of readiness and can be activated when necessary, showing itself as an active and useful tool for member states, UE and NATO if/when required.

EUROMARFOR at sea for Peace.

 ALFLOT ORP   2023-07-05 09:51:40   324 / 228552;
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Updated by EUROMARFOR Permanent Cell