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September 12, 2023

The EUROMARFOR Permanent Cell (PC) has a staff that is responsible for planning and liaison with National Naval Authorities (NNA) and National CHOD´s functions, and it is constituted by one officer for each participating nation (French “Marine Nationale”, Italian “Marina Militare”, Portuguese “Marinha Portuguesa” and Spanish “Armada”), and they are permanently assigned to the post working close to the COMEUROMARFOR.

Captain Fernando CONCEIÇÃO, officer from the Portuguese Navy, is one of the Permanent Cell members, representing Portugal.

Was born in 1969, nearby Portimão in Faro district. He joined the Portuguese Naval Academy in 1988 and graduated in 1993.

He served 4 years on board Patrol-boats (NRP “Rovuma” NRP “Zaire” and NRP “Geba”), as Communications, Gunnery, Navigation Officer and responsible for fisheries inspection. Additionally served on board as Executive Officer in NRP “Geba” and in the Patrol-boat NRP “Rio Minho” as Commanding Officer.

Captain Fernando CONCEiÇÃO is specialized in Clearance and Salvage Diving, since 1999. Subsequently served in the Portuguese Navy diving community in several positions, as Executive Officer and Commanding Officer of diving units, Diving Logistic Officer, as Head of Training and Evaluation Section, Diving School Director, and finally as Commanding Officer of Navy Divers Group.

In the Portuguese Navy Technologies School, he served as head of Educational Technology's branch 

His experience also crosses Maritime Authority. Served in Captaincy of Leixões Harbour, as Deputy Harbour-master for 3 years.

He has several other qualifications, such as Explosive Ordnance Disposal Course (Land and Maritime Ordnance), Improvised Ordnance Disposal Course, Train the Trainers Course, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the Military Setting – NATO STO, Management of Navy Professional Education System Course, Maritime Authority Course, Geopolitics and Strategy Course, Junior Naval War College Course, International Ship and Port Facility Security Officers Course.

Represented the Portuguese Navy in the NATO Standardization Agency for 10 years, in the Under Underwater Diving Working Group and Very Shallow Water Mine Countermeasures Panel.

In total, Captain CONCEIÇÃO served for 35 years, at sea, in operational, educational, safety and security areas.

Captain Fernando Conceição is a father of two twin sons.

 ALFLOT ORP   2023-09-12 09:24:41   522 / 228552;
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Developed by CAPT(PON) Armando Dias Correia
Updated by EUROMARFOR Permanent Cell