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April 08, 2024
EUROMARFOR Task Group was activated today until the 27th of May, for 50 consecutive days, in order to participate on three major MCM exercises that will be conducted by the French, Spanish and Italian Navy

The EUROMARFOR Task Group was activated today until the 27th of May, for 50 consecutive days, in order to participate on three major MCM exercises that will be conducted by the French, Spanish and Italian Navy (OLIVES NOIRES 24, SPANISH MINEX 24, ITALIAN MINEX 24).

The activation ceremony was held in Toulon, France, in the presence of the Director of the EUROMARFOR Permanent Cell Capt. Marco STOCCO (representing the COMEUROMARFOR, Vice Admiral Aurelio DE CAROLIS), and the Commanding Officers and the crews of the EMF MCM units. The Task Group consists of three mine hunters, ITS Numana, FS Pegase and ESPS Sella. Portugal, an integral part of the European Maritime Force since its establishment on 15 May 1995, will participate with staff personnel under the tactical command of CDR Marco Mazzini, COMGRUEUROMARFOR MCM aboard the flagship ITS NUMANA.

The activation of the EMF MCM Task Group coincides with the first day of the French exercise Olives Noires 24, during which the MCM forces will conduct a mine clearance operation on sea lines of communications (SLOC) from the high sea to a seaport of disembarkation (SPOD).

The EMF activation of 50 consecutive days was strongly desired by EMF nations to strengthen MCM tactical and technical knowledge in an asymmetric threat environment as well as enhancing the cooperation with other international maritime entities, thus strengthening the maritime security.

 EMFPC ORP   2024-04-09 07:40:56   515 / 228836;
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Updated by EUROMARFOR Permanent Cell