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July 01, 2024

Since I was appointed as Commander of the European Maritime Force (COMEUROMARFOR) the last 26th of September, my main line of action has been aimed to continue strengthening the EUROMARFOR’s presence using every possible opportunity to promote its visibility thus reinforcing the EMF Security and Defence identity in the maritime domain. I consider that the actions already initiated by Spain in the previous biennium, must maintain continuity in time and be decisive to achieve the main purpose established in the constitutive declaration of the EMF in 1995. In its 29 years of life, EUROMARFOR has become a high-calibre maritime Force, capable of operating in a very wide range of missions due to its flexibility and interoperability. In fact, over the last nine months, many activities were conducted, from the Atlantic Ocean (Gulf of Guinea) to the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Several EUROMARFOR groups were activated, always aiming to conduct multiple training activities and cooperating with allied and partner navies to enhance regional maritime security. In this timeframe, significant milestones were also reached, as is the case of the Mine Counter Measures Group that operated in the Central Med for fifty consecutive days, taking part in three different national exercises while bolstering personnel and ships interoperability. Similar relevance is to be acknowledge for the Carrier Strike Group with ITS CAVOUR and three escorts – FS ACONIT, ITS ALPINO and ESPS NUMANCIA – activated in the Central and East-Med, thus demonstrating the resilience and ability of the EUROMARFOR to swiftly take on new commitments and to meet the future challenges of today’s hectic and unpredictable scenarios. In these days, with security in the European Area of Interest so seriously challenged, with the guidelines provided by our superior authorities, I intend to continue with the scheme of manoeuvre I developed since my tour started as EMF Commander: . presenting EMF as a credible and reliable Maritime Force with which to cooperate, through engagements with the institutions of the EU and NATO and other International Organizations or coalitions; . exploiting any possible opportunity to activate and train the Force within the Wider Mediterranean (from the Gulf of Guinea to the Indian Ocean through the Mediterranean Sea), conduct Multi-cooperative Exercises (MCE), bilateral engagements and EU/NATO-led Real-World Operations (RWO); . enduring with a solid and active STRATCOM to the advantage of EUROMARFOR and maritime security. I am sure that all EUROMARFOR personnel will further benefit from all the activations and training opportunities we will be able to provide in the near future as well as from the activities conducted 

 EMFPC ORP   2024-10-02 08:36:57   29 / 216367;
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