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June 15, 2010
Participation of EUROMARFOR in SWORDFISH-10 Exercise

European Maritime Force (EUROMARFOR) Task Group will be activated on 17th June in Lisbon for its involvement in exercise Swordfish 10. The activation will take place on board of the Portuguese frigate NRP Bartolomeu Dias, at the Terminal de Passageiros de Santa Apol�nia.

The Task Group is composed by the following Units:
 The French frigate Montcalm
 The Italian Ocean Patrol Vessel Bettica;
 The Portuguese frigate Bartolomeu Dias (Flag Ship)
 The Spanish ships, AOR Patio and frigate Mendez Nunez

For Swordfish exercise EUROMARFOR Task Group Commander (COMGRUEUROMARFOR) will be Captain Gomes de Sousa.
The current Commander of the EUROMARFOR (COMEUROMARFOR) is Vice-admiral Saldanha Lopes, from Portuguese Navy.
EUROMARFOR is a multinational initiative created in 1995 by France, Italy, Portugal and Spain that can be employed in the following missions:
 Humanitarian and rescue missions;
 Peacekeeping missions;
 Mission of combat forces in crisis management including peacemaking.


Note to the press: Media are invited to be at this event.
Deadline time of arrival  11.30 AM at Terminal de Passageiros de Santa Apolnia.
For planning and security purposes, EUROMARFOR kindly requests media agents to register their presence, not later than June 16th till 4p.m, through the following via: Phone: 91 989 38 78.





 Armando Correia   2010-06-15 00:00:00   450 / 228580;
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