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15 Jun 2015 - 26 Jun 2015
15 Jun 2015 - 26 Jun 2015


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15 May 2015 - 28 May 2015
15 May 2015 - 28 May 2015

The EMF ships are participating in the Annual National Spanish MINEX 15 which the main aim is to conduct general and specific training of Mine warfare operations in order to enhance operational readiness level and multinational cooperation.

This exercise is supported by a fictitious scenario, with the purpose of performing a civilian evacuation out of a crisis country.

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15 May 2015 - 06 Oct 2015
15 May 2015 - 06 Oct 2015

Atalanta Operation under Spanish Force HQ.

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15 May 2015 - 15 May 2015
15 May 2015 - 15 May 2015

EUROMARFOR celebrated his 20th anniversary on 15 May 2015 at Cartagena. The ceremony was hosted by COMEUROMARFOR (the actual Spanish Chief of the Fleet). The Chiefs of the Fleets of Italy and Portugal atendended the event. France fleet commander was represented by his deputy.

Were there ships from EUROMARFOR nations, namely SPS Relámpago, SPS Tajo, NRP Baptista de Andrade, FS Capricorne and ITS Rimini.

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06 Aug 2014 - 13 Feb 2015
06 Aug 2014 - 13 Feb 2015

During this deployment Rear Admiral Guido RANDO, from Italian Navy, was the Commander of the EMF Task Group (COMGRUEUROMARFOR) in addition to being the EUNAVFOR Force Commander(CTF 465).

<p justify;\\\\\\\"=\'\\\"\\\"\'>EUROMARFOR was involved in Operation “Atalanta” since 6 August 2014 till 15 february 2015, with a task group composed by the flagship ITS Andrea Doria (flagship) and the Spanish frigate ESPS Navarra (until 10DEC2014) and ESPS Rayo (after 08DEC2014).

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08 Jun 2014 - 13 Jun 2014
08 Jun 2014 - 13 Jun 2014

The EUROMARFOR Task Group, composed of the ships ESPS Santa María (Spain - flagship), FS Montcalm (France) and NRP Vasco da Gama (Portugal), was employed in the Multicooperative Exercise (MCE) with Royal Morrocan Navy. The Royal Moroccan Navy participated in this exercise with RMN Sultan Mouley Ismail, a modern SIGMA class corvette.

The activation ceremony of the EMF task force took place in Rota Naval Base, on 7th May.

The commander of the EMF Task Group was Captain (N) Domingo Gomez-Pamo Y Guerra Del Rio (Spanish Navy).

The exercise included a port visit (Casablanca) and training at sea (Search and Rescue, Maritime Security Operations, etc).

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08 Jun 2014 - 08 Jun 2014
08 Jun 2014 - 08 Jun 2014

Under the command of Captain (N) Domingo Gomez-Pamo Y Guerra Del Rio (Spanish Navy) the EUROMARFOR Task Group, composed of the ships ESPS Santa María (flagship), FS Montcalm and NRP Vasco da Gama, departed on 7th June 2014, from Rota Naval Base, to Casablanca in order to begin the Multicooperative Exercise with Royal Morrocan Navy.

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07 Jun 2014 - 07 Jun 2014
07 Jun 2014 - 07 Jun 2014

Captain (N) Domingo Gomez-Pamo Guerra Del Rio, from Spanish Navy, was designated the Commander of the EMF Task Group (COMGRUEUROMARFOR). The ceremony of activation of the force took place in Rota Naval Base, on board of ESPS Santa María, and was presided over by the COMEUROMARFOR, Admiral Santiago BOLÍBAR PIÑEIRO (Spanish Navy).

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12 May 2014 - 24 May 2014
12 May 2014 - 24 May 2014

In the frame of the annual training program, EUROMARFOR participated in ITALIAN MINEX 2014 exercise with a Task Group of five mine-hunters. This mine hunting exercise took place in the vicinity of La Spezia harbour, from 12 to 24 of May and involved assets from different Nations.

The aim of the exercise was the train of the participating staffs and units in planning, conducting and evaluating mine countermeasures operations in a multi threat scenario.

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06 Feb 2014 - 20 Feb 2014
06 Feb 2014 - 20 Feb 2014

Some pictures of the old website developed under the Portuguese Command of EUROMARFOR in 2010.

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06 Dec 2013 - 06 Apr 2014
06 Dec 2013 - 06 Apr 2014

During this deployment Rear Admiral Herve BLEJEAN, from French Navy, was the Commander of the EMF Task Group (COMGRUEUROMARFOR) in addition to being the EUNAVFOR Force Commander(CTF 465).

ITS Libeccio ended her deployment on 06FEB2014 and returned to homeland.

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18 Sep 2013 - 18 Sep 2013
18 Sep 2013 - 18 Sep 2013

The Spanish Fleet Commander, Admiral Santiago Bolíbar Piñeiro has assumed command of the European Maritime Force (EUROMARFOR) relieving the French Vice-Admiral Philippe Coindreau.

The ceremony took place on board the LHD 'Juan Carlos I' in Rota Naval Base and was presided over by the Chief of Naval Staff Admiral General Jaime Muñoz-Delgado.

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17 Sep 2007 - 17 Sep 2007
17 Sep 2007 - 17 Sep 2007

Pictures of the last Change of Command Ceremony held in Italy on the 17th September 2007. The ceremony took place on the flay deck of ITS Garibaldi. Admiral Giuseppe LERTORA took over as COMEUROMARFOR.

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Developed by CAPT(PON) Armando Dias Correia
Updated by EUROMARFOR Permanent Cell