Operation Atalanta’s Deputy Commander, Rear Admiral Jonas Wikström, was welcomed aboard the EU Naval Force flagship, ITS Carabiniere.
Dep Cdr, Force Cdr and CO ITS Carabiniere.
Atalanta's Deputy Force Commander is greeted on board the Flagship.
The Deputy Force Commander arrives on board ITS Carabiniere.
Operation Atalanta´s Spanish Warship ESPS Tornado Hosts Visitors Alongside In Tanzania.
Force Commander on the deck of ESPS Tornado.
Deputy Commander and ESPS Tornado´s Commanding Officer
Deputy Commander deep in discussion aboard ESPS Tornado.
Force Commander with Deputy Chief of Tanzanian Navy, Commodore Hi Majumba.
Operation Atalanta and Chinese warships conducted joint training in the Indian Ocean.
Chinese liaison officers aboard ESPS Tornado.
ESPS Tornado and FGS Erfurt in position either side of CNS Taihu ready to conduct joint replenishment at sea.