The Portuguese Naval Commander (COMNAV), Vice-Admiral Saldanha Lopes, took over command responsibility of EUROMARFOR from Admiral CINCNAV, Vice-Admiral Binelli Mantelli.
Read moreEUROMARFOR Ammiraglio Giuseppe Lertora
Read moreIn the last 22th of september, it took place in Rota Naval Base the Fleet Commanders Meeting on board ESP LHD “Juan Carlos I”, with the following Admirals (from right to left):
Vice-admiral Enrico CREDENDINO (CINCNAV);
Vice-admiral Xavier BAUDOUART (ALFAN) former COMEUROMARFOR;
Vice-admiral Eugenio DIAZ DEL RIO (ALFLOT), current COMEUROMARFOR;
Rear-admiral Valentim RODRIGUES (Acting COMNAV).
The Fleet Commanders met and discussed the current situation and the possible future committments of this force, taking in account the actual geopolitical scenarios and the participation in Real Word Operations.
In the end the four Fleet Commanders agreed in uprising the use and commitment of this Europen Naval Force as a common tool.
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EUROMARFOR: An intense and successful year together
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