Main Missions

Crisis management, cooperative security, maritime security.

The Commander of EUROMARFOR (CEMF) will be ready to, when activated by High Level Interministerial Commitee (CIMIN), conduct a rapid integration of the assigned Force and the subsequent early establishment of a EU maritime capability, with a special focus but not limited to the Mediterranean Theatre and its approaches, in order to support primarily the EU security and defence requirements in the maritime domain by means of:

- Crisis Management. Including conflict prevention, crisis response (e.g. humanitarian and disaster relief and non combatant evacuation), post-conflict stabilization and peace support operations (peace-keeping, peace-making, peace-building and peace-enforcement);

- Cooperative Security. Including all operations to contribute to prevent conflicts and develop regional security and stability through dialogue, confidence-building, and increased transparency.

- Maritime Security. Including all operations to contribute to the maintenance of a secure and safe maritime environment (maritime security operations; maritime situational awareness; maritime interdiction missions; protection of freedom of navigation; protection of critical energy infrastructure and sea lines of communication).

 Armando Correia   2015-04-24   13640 
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